
Showing posts from July, 2022

Dear bully

  Dear Bully, Thank you. For all the times you made me aware of the tiny flaws in my being. Flaws that i had not created, flaws i could not remove. Thank you, for choosing just the perfect words to hurt me in a subtly cruel way.  For you, it might have been a moment, a few words, a conversation but to me, it costed me a life full of insecurities. Trying my best to hide them. Always feeling like the entire world saw me that way. Because of those few words of yours, i stopped appreciating myself. And started to look for validation from others.  I thought may be someone would tell me the exact opposite of what you had told me. But then when someone did tell me that. It was hard for me to accept it. So, Thanks to you for making it hard for me to believe in the good within me.  But then, thank you for making me the tough person that i am. I can't say i respect you. I can not make myself respect you, ever.  But if it wasn't for people like you, people like me would never become as