Living with the "Pain"_How do we mature?

What is maturity?
the state of being mentally and emotionally well-developed, and therefore responsible.

When a kid is born, everything is new to him. Every little thing is a new experience. Nothing fails to astonish him. But as years pass he starts to acknowledge things from his past experiences. That is from where maturity begin. He burns himself a few time to know It is dangerous to go near fire or and eating hot food is a big No No.  

We humans tend to overlook that phase of maturity. Maturity is a learning process. The more a person experiences. The more he gets mature. Its doesn't have anything to do with age.
One might say that greater the age more the experiences but that will be a slant as it is different for everyone. Maturity also comes from how a mind reacts to an experience. Two minds may react differently towards the same experience. Where some may learn some good, other may simply rebel.
     And minds mould differently depending on how people around you react towards your experience.

With this I will sign off. 
》》》》》》Next: How your company impacts your life?
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See you next time.


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