The Missing Part!

Sometimes I pretend to be all grown up and moved on with life but truth is I still miss you. Your innocence, your uncontrollable laughter, your big ideas about life. How you would jump out of excitement when you would encounter change. How happy you would become when you met new people, telling them about all the stories you knew, new and old. How you would dance in the rain. How you would get over things that were meant to hurt you. How you loved people. How you never noticed the flaws with in them, instead you saw beauty. 

I still remember the days when you would talk to animals, flowers, the moon and the stars. I still remember how you would weave your dreams, day and night and the plans you made. How with every defeat and betrayal you still saw the best in people. you would make yourself believe that you could move mountains if you put yourself upto it. How you waited for that one human to show up_your person.

But nothing went as you planned, people changed on and on again. Their hurtful words stained your heart, darkened it. So, you became more quiet and selective. New people and situations didn't excite you anymore. Now, you run towards your house where you sit alone in your company. Fearing change as if anything new is gonna swallow you whole. The part of you that craved change has gone dormant. You have stopped waiting for your person. Instead started becoming your own person.

Independence came with its own drawbacks. You are tired, lonesome and sad. You were never supposed to be this person. deep down you still wanna meet new people, go new places but the fear of meeting the same old coldness overtakes that little part of you. The missing dormant part of the old you, the happy you.



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